Ezra ‘s last message was of his love with no exceptions and with special appreciation for everyone that fought so hard for his freedom. He lived with such compassion and wisdom, always demonstrating what it means to not look for love but to BE LOVE. For many decades his spirit was completely free, now he is free of his body as well and full of joy I know to be with the dear ones that went before him and flying with the angels! Thank you for everything you brought to so many, Dear Angel Ezra!

Prisoner dies 12 days after Pennsylvania judge granted compassionate release for health reasons

A Pennsylvania man who had been serving life for second-degree murder is dead, about two weeks after being granted a medical transfer from prison to a facility that could better treat his condition, including quadriplegia.

Ezra Bozeman

A Shocking Story of Injustice and a Truly Inspirational Life

Ezra Bozeman has been in prison since 1975 for a crime he didn’t commit.   Our judicial system has wrongly convicted a lot of innocent people, especially those who are young, black, and from poor families, like Ezra.  But Ezra’s lengthy time behind bars—almost fifty years, despite his unflagging efforts to gain release, his exceptional qualities as a human being and many contributions to his prison community,  and now his catastrophic paralysis from grossly negligent medical care make his story a stand out even in this world where shameful stories are commonplace. The continuing injustice occurring today is the Allegheny County DA’s continual refusal to release the homicide files containing all of the investigative material in Ezra’s case which he has never been permitted to see. Access to these 50 year old files, would prove Ezra’s innocence! Free Ezra, Free the Evidence! 

Free the Evidence - Ezra Bozeman

Ezra’s Medical Crisis

Ezra’s crisis deepened today as I learned that he has been taken to the emergency room of a hospital I’m not allowed to know the name of because his Stage 4 wound has become infected. I was told he is on intravenous antibiotics.

We are speeding up the filing for Compassionate Release to tomorrow. April 25, because we know that going back to prison will be lethal for him as extremely high quality wound care is now essential, and he was not getting even minimal wound care, thus the infection.

Thank you for your prayers and your petition to the Governor for a Reprieve (which we will continue to pursue after he is released hopefully by next week!)

Ezra Bozeman

Ezra hopeful of improvement weeks before his surgery

Ezra has now been dischaarged from Magee Rehabilitation Hosptial and sent to SCI Laurel Highlands, 200 miles away from all loved ones, including yours truly, his fiance. Ezra will begin his 50th year of a life without parole sentence on May 1.  Laurel Highlands is woefully ill-equipped to provide the high level care Ezra needs in his current state of acute paralysis and in this critical 6-12 month period when recovering some function is most available. The lack of proper case is exemplified  by him now receiving physical therapy twice a week with one physical therapist for 8 patients when he was receiving physical therapy twice a day with one physical therapist and an aide working exclusively with him.

Ezra suffered an injury on the basketball court in August of 2019. Due to a lack of testing, this injury was misdiagnosed for years until emergency surgery was required.

He had spinal surgery on February 6 at Temple University and on February 14 developed an epidural hematoma and had emergency surgery from which he awakened paralyzed, arms, hands fingers, legs, feet, and toes —all of this starting with what was probably a minor injury in his neck on the basketball court that went undiagnosed and untreated for over four years.

An Innocent Man’s Story

Since his incarceration in 1975, Ezra has filed eight Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) petitions, in addition to two habeas corpus petitions and Writ of Mandamus and Extraordinary Relief.  All have been unsuccessful.  Ezra studied the Pennsylvania legal system extensively during his years as a prisoner and gained a lot of knowledge about law. But pro se defendants face an uphill struggle no matter what the circumstances.

His many appeals have all been denied on procedural grounds,judges rulings which show obvious judicial malfeasance, but still PCRAs (his appeals)were denied citing that they had been previously ruled on. The fact is that Ezra has never had a fair trial where all the evidence was brought to the light of day.


Free the Evidence - Ezra Bozeman

This Is Also a Love Story

“Don’t look for love, BE love.”

Ezra’s and Christine’s story  is a most improbable one of  love blossoming late in life under the most challenging and inhospitable conditions you could imagine. It is a story of a battle against 50 years of an obvious gross miscarriage of justice  that led to two people discovering the love of their lives. The joy that this beautiful new love  brought to both of them even with the severe restrictions of Ezra’s prison life was shattered when an injury that Ezra had been struggling to have diagnosed and treated for four years led to emergency surgery and his current state of nearly total paralysis.

Ezra is a 68-year-old man who has been incarcerated for 49 years for a second-degree felony murder he did not commit—wrongfully accused and wrongfully sentenced at age 19 to a lifetime in prison. Despite his early years of terror and rebellion, Ezra has come to see the world with compassionate eyes for the great suffering of all mankind and believes that our future survival depends on our loving one another. Today, he describes himself as “on fire with love—for the world” and sees himself as “a part of this interconnected web of life.”

Christine is a retired woman who was comfortable enough living in a suburb of Philadelphia after a career in a transformational leadership development company she founded in New York City in 1986. She was living out the final chapters of her life as a mother and grandmother and focusing on preparing for a conscious death after a lifetime of spiritual seeking when she began volunteering in a Pennsylvania state prison, where she came to know Ezra.

And so, this story is also ultimately about transformation and transcendence through a profound discovery of the reality of the power of real love—self-love at first, leading to an awareness of universal love, and, finally, to include a deep  personal love.

“Being Love,” Ezra has said, in writings that span years of his life as a spiritual seeker, “I have found a refuge and a way to thrive even in circumstances that are challenging every day; and in sharing love, I have found my calling.”

“Our purpose in sharing our story,” says Christine, “is to speak to people’s hearts and open up the flow of love in others as it has opened for us. Many miracles have already occurred to bring us to this improbable point and many more will be needed to bring us home together.”

While they are committed to that love, universal and personal, as the context for their story, they are also committed to bringing people into the reality of prison life, with its relentless commitment to punishment and control that, contrary to public pronouncements to the contrary, in reality has nothing to do with rehabilitation or increasing public safety. The results are ample proof of that and, by finding a way to tell the story of Ezra’s blatantly wrongful incarceration now coupled with his  catastrophic paralysis which inexplicably empowered  authorities to deny Ezra any contact with Christine or any of the many who love him from the beginning of this crisis. She has also been denied any access to information as to Ezra’s progress, having been informed that the only right she has as official next of kin is to be notified of his death.

Their hope is that the public outcry will be loud and consistent, because their story, while especially dramatic in both its wrongful conviction and woeful lack of prison medical care, it is typical of what goes on in US prisons every day with the incarcerated having absolutely no recourse other than internal reviews.

Christine and Ezra Bozeman
Ezra Bozeman
Ezra and Christine's Venue for their wedding

Valley Green Inn In Wissahickon State Park: The Venue Where Christine and Ezra hope to be married

Ezra's artwork for Christine

Ezra’s artwork created for Christine while in rehab

We Love Ezra

Those who have learned Ezra’s story or been moved by his message of love speak out on his behalf.

Eric Riddick shares who Ezra is to him
Lee Horton shares how Ezra gives to others

Celeste Trusty Sends Love to Ezra from CADBI Rally

Richie Marra

Richie Marra’s Moving Personal Sharing in Support of Geriatric Parole

Once your message is approved, it will be posted at the bottom of this page.

Ezra Bozeman

Christine’s First Visit with Ezra On April 15

I saw Ezra on April 15 for the first time in 3 months—his first opportunity to be visited by a loved one since this horrendous life altering crisis. Where they have located him presents a formidable barrier to contact. Going through the long two-day trip  leaving the day before as the only allowed visitation time starts at 8:30 am so must make the 4 hour plus trip the night before.

While with him, I learned all of the following about SCI Laurel Highland’s capacity, structure and willingness to take care of his catastrophic level of paralysis:

He does not have the capacity to call for help if he’s in trouble. He lays in bed all night—for hours with no ability to call for help if he has an emergency because the bell is not in reach!

He is not getting his bandages changed on his wound twice in the night as the doctor prescribed and there is a nurse who confirmed that did not happen.

He is being forced to choose between contact with loved ones and following doctor’s orders, when in reality both things are critical to his well-being and recovery. So on Sunday which always was a day when he spoke to many people in his community, he had to chose to follow the doctor’s orders for complete bed rest due to the worsening of his wound on his backside which, if it became infected would be life threatening and so he was able to speak to no one because they can’t manage to get a phone into his room—something they even do for people in solitary confinement  at Chester.

Also, he has not been given the papers with all the information he was given at Magee about how to care for and advocate for himself. He said he saw them packed up at Magee and has requested them but never seen them.

Also, it’s been 11 days that he has been there—removed entirely from any person he knows, and he has no television, no tablet, none of his commissary items so he could eat peanut butter and jelly or something else he had purchased on the very many occasions that he can’t eat the general population diet that he is offered as a quadriplegic patient with very specific dietary needs. I am told that’s because they’re “waiting” for his property to be brought up from Chester where he lived. He was told they might get him a loaner, but they have chosen not to.

He says it’s a culture of cruelty and sniping and backstabbing. He says it goes on even among the staff.

Even with all of this, Ezra is eager to utilize what he calls “my new skillset” and has signed up to function in his role as a  “Certified Peer Specialist” to share what he learned about how to care for himself, eg. the importance of “sitting in a wheel chair with your chin up and your shoulder blades pinched back rather than with your head falling on your chest as he said he sees men around him doing just aimlessly wheeling themselves around.” Ezra said he learned that was actually leaving you with the danger of tipping forward out of your wheelchair. He also wants to teach others “by living it myself” to be resilient and “when you can’t do something the way you used to you find a new way.” That’s our Guy!!

As many of you are doing, please continue to think of people you can contact to write to the Governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General, and your State and Federal Legistors in your district asking them to contact Governor Shapiro, Lt. Governor Austin Davis and Atty General Michelle Henry.

Yusef Jones and I dropped off the Petition for Reprieve at the offices of the Governor, Lt. Governor and the State Reps who signed the letter to DOC Secretary Harry.

More will be sent.

Now I’m more clear than ever that his life is at stake. Go to the website to see the newest letter from Dr. Chris Costas about Ezra’s need for getting appropriate care fast.

April 24—Although I am his finacee and official next of kin and medical surrogate, i am again cut off from all communications with him as he faces this lifethreatening medical emergency. He must not go back to SCI Laurel Highlands!

Prayers and Action Please!!

On April 4, Ezra was discharged from Magee Rehabilitation Center and sent to SCI Laurel Highlands. He arrived with none of his equipment for his Physical Therapy. We are waiting to see if it arrives tomorrow, eg. special boots, hand splints, compression stockings, compression band.  He said the more people know about his story, the better it will be the more impact on getting him home! He said his progress has been slight but he was told that he still has plenty of time to improve.

He’s using every tool he has in his tool box and “I’m not going to stop until I can run—not just walk, but run.” That’s our guy!!

I saw Ezra for the first time since my birthday on January 21 on Zoom yesterday, April 10. This was the first time he was able to see or be seen by any of his friends or family. This is truly a travesty. It is also the customary policy for every person who has the great misfortune of becoming ill while incarcerated.  The denial of rights is greater than if he had gross behavior violations and was sent to the hole.  He was wrapped up in towels and blankets with just his much thinner face peaking out. He was often convulsed with coughing from the fluid that had collected in his left lung due to having been mistakenly laid  all the way over on his left side in bed.

We will have our first contact visit this Monday, April 15, which we’re both beyond thrilled about. I am trying to get permission to have a back to back visit—two days in a row—since the round trip is 8 hours.

A bed sore on his tail bone that seemed to be healing well when he arrived a week ago on April 4, was yesterday examined and was assessed as having worsened considerably. We are very concerned about this as infection is always a major danger for people with the level of paralysis Ezra has.

Keep sending him the love and prayers and know that he is, of course, still fighting and determined to be with us all again! 

26 Days No Contact– 2 Months No Visits

While the lack of contact is very frustrating and full of concern for Ezra having no one to read him a book (he’s such a reader and we so enjoyed reading together!). Unable to do our spiritual practice which we did everyday before his paralysis, there is good news too! The letters from the 7 State Reps to Secy. Harry of the DOC and a very reputable law firm in Philadelphia who is considering taking his case to the point they are planning to visit him next week! Keep those good vibes coming in whatever form you send them!

Day 24 No Contact

Ezra still going through total paralysis with no friends and family contact.

Take Action

Ezra’s case is one of the most vivid and tragic examples of the cruel injustice and total unworkability of keeping millions of fine human beings in perpetual incarceration. As Ezra recently expressed for himself when speaking of his need for physical therapy after emergency surgery left him totally paralyzed, “Yes. I need a lot of physical rehabilitation but my rehabilitation at the human level was complete decades ago.”

But more, much more, needs to be done.  Getting Ezra released from prison is urgent for him personally as well as those who love him and it is also a powerful example of why the need for reforms like passage of the Medical and Elderly Parole Bill and the end to mandatory minimums is needed now.

Seven state representatives wrote a letter advocating for Ezra. You may read the letter below.

In addition, a petition has been organized. Call on Governor Shapiro to grant Ezra Bozeman a reprieve today. Please take action and sign the petition today!

Free the Evidence - Ezra Bozeman

48 Comments. Leave new

  • Christine Roess
    March 22, 2024 4:10 pm

    So much love to Ezra!

  • Denise Pettit
    March 27, 2024 4:29 pm

    You are in my heart and I just wrote Governor Shapiro asking him to investigate and expedite review of your case. Blessings to you and yours.

  • I have known thousands of life sentenced souls, over a period exceeding five decades. If I had only soul I could save from eternal prison damnation, it would be Ezra Boze -Man! Bear in mind there are hundreds if not thousands of these souls, many good friends, who would immediately add substantial value to our communities. I met him when he was 19, hurt and bruised by official abuse of process [a trial by every standard – was a ‘sham and mockery’ of our just-us system]. He fought back with tools acquired from the school of ‘hard knocks’. He lost, learned and grew on; Inwardly – self mastery, Outwardly – mastering our universal connection to each other.

    His personal evolution provided foundation to develop much needed structure [prison programming] for many lost and confused young souls, trapped and in search of purpose and meaning.

    I watched this caterpillar transform into a great Mind; and blossom into a divine Butterfly, effecting humankind Ourselves! Every spirit encountering this jewel en route to our ever more, are made the better, gifted with precious insight into our journey. Courtesy of Mr. Boze – Man!

    We gotcha Bruh . . . One-Love

    Yusef n Grace

  • I met Ezra around 1987 through my husband, Yusef. We became fast friends in a journey that lasted over 30 years. During that time we had many calls and visits which started after i asked how he was: “staying strong, staying out the way and letting it do what it do”. He always left me in an uplifted space after our calls. We laughed, I relied on him for his opinion and “coaching” on various topics. He always ended our conversations with: “Tell Yusef I send my love and tell him I love you more!!” – an ongoing joke between the 3 of us.
    Early in 2004 (ish), I went into the prison and delivered a program with the End Violence Project. It was called Leadership and Transformational Thinking. Dana, Russ and I led the program and Ezra came to every session. He extended his mentorship to other men in the program. I watched as he incorporated many of our tools into the body of skills he had been using to transform his life.

    I had gotten permission from the warden to have him join our staff to deliver the program and his answer was “of course”. This is very unusual!! Ezra is highly regarded amongst the prison officials.
    Friendship is not something he takes for granted – he nutured it and it enveloped the both of us.

    We love Ezra
    Grace Jones

  • Joan Albright
    March 31, 2024 9:50 pm

    Dear Ezra, You are in my daily prayers and thoughts. Come out of this better than ever and save me a dance at your wedding. Much Love, Joan Albright

  • Richie Marra - SCI Chester
    April 3, 2024 12:05 am

    Ezra Bozeman, who is affectionately known as “Boze” is my friend. He is 68 years old today. Boze and I have worked together in the Audio/Video Room for more than 20 years. He has been a mentor to many, as well as he is to me. He is one of the most humble men I’ve ever met. He cares about people and will stop everything he’s doing to give you his time. His greetings are his signature – getting the biggest smile with the animated voice, “Whazzzz up!!,” as if he hasn’t seen you in a week. Boze came to prison when he was 19 years old. And in spite of that fact, he has the softest dispositions that just puts you at ease. I’ve watched Boze slow down over the years. His eye-site and his movements have become quieted. Boze doesn’t need to be in prison any longer – and that’s been true for a long time now. The fact that Boze has been in prison for nearly 50 years, and wouldn’t (or couldn’t) hurt anyone, says more about those who would seek to keep him locked up, than it says about Boze and what he did when he was 19 years old. And “who would seek to keep him locked up” is not the prison that holds him. I love you Boze! – Richie Marra

  • Mike Rinaldi - SCI Chester
    April 3, 2024 12:10 am

    I met Boze a little over 40 years ago when I started my DBI sentence at SCI-Huntingdon. Boze and a guy named Dave Yerky were putting together a slate of candidates to run in the up coming Pennsylvania Lifers’ Association election. They recruited me to run for secretary, and Bose ran for president. We won! A couple years later we both got transferred, him to SCI-Dallas and me to SCI-Pittsburgh, for allegedly organizing a peaceful collective resistance to a change in visit policy. Turned out the DOC frowned upon collective resistance, peaceful or otherwise. Who knew? A few years later, we wound up together at SCI-Rockview, and then at SCI-Coal Township, and finally at SCI-Chester. I joke that this guys been following me around my whole bit. A few years ago, we started doing seminars together in the T.C. Program as part of our Certified Peer Specialist work. I remember the honor I felt when he would introduce me as his oldest friend in the DOC. The men we spoke to were amazed at the struggles we successfully overcame together over the decades. Especially when we told them we had 90 years of combined incarceration. Most recently he told me he was in love, and that he had gotten engaged. Boze said the wedding was going to take place when we got out, and he asked me to be his Best Man. So that’s my prayer – that he has a full recovery, and I’m his Best Man at his and Christine’s wedding when we hit the streets. Mike Rinaldi

  • Marcie Marra
    April 3, 2024 1:06 am

    I have known Ezra Bozeman ( most of his friends call him Boze) for more than 20 years. I will never forget the first time we met,it felt like I knew him for years. Boze greeted me with the biggest smile and the warmest hug,it didn’t take me long to see that he is a man of wisdom,honor and a man that is filled with so much love and compassion for others.
    He needs our help right now. Please keep him and Christine in your prayers for a full recovery but most of all that he will be released home so he can get the medical attention he so desperately needs.
    Prayers and so much love sent your way Bose! God Bless!
    Love ya, Marcie Marra

  • Spanky Rodriguez,Jr
    April 4, 2024 2:51 pm

    Since I met Ezra Bozeman in the early 2000’s when he started working in the AV Department with me, he was easy to talk with and always went the extra mile to help others. Right now he needs our help and I pray this short paragraph will touch somebody in society to come forward to help Ezra come home. Ezra is no threat to society and will use skills he learned in prison to better others around him. Please let the elderly man go home, so he can receive the right medical treatment. Ezra had a saying, “Team work makes the dream work.” Let’s come together to help Ezra. Sincerely, Angel Spanky Rodriguez, Jr.

  • Mike Archacki- SCI Chester
    April 6, 2024 2:52 pm

    I have had the privilege to know Ezra for the last 9 years and work closely with him for the last 2 years. He has been not only a friend and mentor to me but also someone who always took time to listen and when necessary offer positive encouragement and tools for self empowerment when needed. I am a better and more empathetic person for knowing him and blessed to consider him a friend.

  • Joseph Spinks-SCI Chester
    April 6, 2024 2:55 pm

    What’s up friend? I just wanted to let you know, I am thinking and praying for you. Everyone is asking for updates on you, the men are wishing you a speedy recovery. I hope the doctors get you well. plus, your a strong brother, I know you got you. Take care, the fight continues. Sincerely, Joe Spinks.

  • Christine Roess
    April 6, 2024 3:35 pm

    This is Ezra, YAY Spank, Thank you so much. I love you and Vic and all my friends and supporters there. I hope they can step up like you. I knew you loved me anyway! Brother Love 🙂

  • Elizabeth Patterson
    April 8, 2024 10:02 am

    Dear my favorite Uncle, it’s your favorite niece here. Although we can’t talk or see each other right now, please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, think positive, and remember that love conquers all. Sending you lots of love and healing energy. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 – Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. ,love you u talk to me soon – Liz

  • Beth Grossman
    April 9, 2024 3:38 pm

    Ezra is a kind, wonderful man. He is a true inspiration. Despite all that he has been through and going through, he exudes Love and a keen sense of humor. I am so grateful to the most precious being.

  • Audrey Levitin
    April 9, 2024 5:57 pm

    I have come to know Ezra through Christine and through his writing. He is a kind, compassionate and deeply spiritual person who is an inspiration. I hope justice is finally served and he is freed soon.

  • Candace Stolley
    April 11, 2024 5:21 pm

    Dear Ezra and Christine,
    I LOVE the 2 of you so much! I just looked at all your pictures and re read your stories. Crying now with deep love and appreciation while feeling your challenges. Heart breaking! More prayers coming your way!!!
    It’s a gorgeous spring here and I wish you were here to see it! There are flowering plum trees outside nearby FULL of bees…The amazing profusion of daffodils is coming to a close. I am deeply so touched with the both of you and your love. My prayers for your strength, healing and FREEDOM!!!

  • kathy reynolds
    April 17, 2024 1:36 am

    Dear Ezra, I am keeping you and Christine in my heart and praying that you will keep your strength and hope so that you can stay the course.
    Love, Kathy

  • Christine Roess
    April 18, 2024 2:45 pm

    Thanks, Not just ‘old”, but “DEAR” friend (since we were 14!!)

  • Penny Goldberg
    April 20, 2024 6:14 pm

    Dear Ezra, You are in my heart and mind hoping for an immediate move to provide what you need.
    To all, I met Ezra during the 7 years I co-lead in the chester prison, The End Violence Project. He became a strong foundation in our class, always adding to deepening our conversations. I always carry an image of him walking on a beach, breathing the sea air, appreciating life, and sharing his uplifting energy. I love you. Stay in your yogi mode…love….love….love… Pennyg

  • Irene Mehnert EdD
    April 20, 2024 8:06 pm

    I have known Ezra for many years
    If I were asked to find one word to describe him I would say Authentic
    He walks the talk he is love.
    When my husband was dying I would hear from Ezra almost daily The amount of wisdom compassion and love he offered Made me feel eternally grateful just know I am one of so many
    Now he desperately needs our help
    He needs to be released immediately I am eager to do whatever to make this a reality

  • Julie Olmsted
    April 20, 2024 10:10 pm

    Dearest Ezra, I know you are blessing those who care for you. You have brought us all together in love and determination to see you both at that park to seal your love.🙏🥰

  • Hi Ezra, I have been following your story and doing what I can to help, by calling and signing petions for your release. You mist be very special and kind for Christine to fall in love with you. I am looking forward to meeting you and helping you settling into your new home.

  • Ezra, I can only imagine how you must feel. I want you to know we are all sending you our love and hope for new beginnings.

  • Dear Ezra,
    Thinking of you every day, and trusting that the fortitude and courage your situation requires will help you to continue to be love. Your way of phrasing your being in the world has inspired me; when I open my mouth to say something snarky, I think “Is this being love?” and if not, I can shift my way of being for your sake. So, you never know what remarkable influence you have, even in dire circumstances. Sending love, Tina

  • Dear Ezra, You are in my thoughts and heart. I think of you and Christine all the time, hoping and praying that your circumstances will improve and you will receive the reprieve you so deserve!

  • Christine Roess
    April 23, 2024 7:34 pm

    Ezra says Julie, Thanks for signing on and supporting me through these times. Thanks is not enough but know that I am sending love and being love! See you at the wedding!

  • Ezra,
    You are so special and I am doing whatever Christine recommends to see that you are safe and supported. My heart is aching for you now, but in the future we will be able to celebrate.

  • To Ezra and Christine. True love will prevail. Have the deepest of faith. I sit here in tears because true love is not often found.Ezra you deserve your physical freedom from prison.

  • Ashley Holman
    April 24, 2024 4:24 pm

    I just read an article that popped up in my Apple News of the interview Christine did for CNN. And it struck a cord with me and touched my heart! I hope that you are granted the reprieve that you so very much deserve, Sir!! So you can live out the remainder of your life with that amazing woman (and the friends) who is fighting for you and the freedom you have earned after almost 4 decades! I also signed the petition too!! Best of luck, Mr. Ezra! And to Miss Christine… you deserve everything good in this world! I have no doubt you have made this man’s life so much more meaningful!! And vice versa. You are an amazing woman!! And I have no doubt that heaven was made for beautiful souls such as yourself!! I wish the two of you and all of Ezra’s friends nothing but the best!

  • Hold steady Ezra.

    1 Corinthians 13:7 –
    Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love and prayer will prevail.

  • I read this story today 4/29/24 heart touching my heart goes out to you – I understand the love and concern – I had a brother in prison- he had health conditions and died March 2019 in prison and I thank the good Lord because if he was alive during COVID it would have been horrible- so please keep fighting and I will continue to pray

    April 30, 2024 9:46 pm

    Dear Ezra,

  • Sheryl Possoff
    May 4, 2024 1:55 pm

    Ezra, I think about you often and how much I miss our conversations. You are loved by so many-me included. I can’t wait to visit you wherever that may be. It will happen! What a wonderful human being Christine is and how fortunate you are to have her in your life. Your future now looks brighter. I love thinking those thoughts.

  • LaMona Brown
    May 7, 2024 1:36 pm

    Hello Christine,
    My name is LaMona and I wrote a letter to you. I do hope you received it. Could you please call to let me know? 702-683-8014. I read the CNN article written about you and Ezra, it touched my heart to tears. I’m sorry about you guys misfortune. This system unfortunately not friendly towards justice and that’s so sad. Give me a call anytime, please. ☺️

  • Christine Roess
    May 8, 2024 3:20 pm

    I did receive it, LaMona and appreciate so much your heartfelt response to Ezra’s situation! I will convey your message.

  • Naomi S Weiss
    May 11, 2024 4:26 pm

    Ezra, dearest Ezra, I cry tears of joy for your move, you release, your much deserved ability to be cared for and healed along with your dear Christine and her loving touch. Now all you have to do is heal and get well, however you choose to interpret that because now you will be surrounded by love.

  • Penny Goldberg
    May 15, 2024 6:29 pm

    Reaching out to say love is coming your way at all times. I love you and dream of the time we can share the learning of so many area’s you’ve been denied. Here’s to reunion of everyone who cares. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • Steven Burda
    May 20, 2024 11:56 pm

    Hope you will be free soon !!

  • Dana M Kelley
    May 21, 2024 1:16 am

    Wow, wow, wow, my world just became brighter!. Finally, one of my dearest friends has been acknowledged for the exceptionally fantastic man he is. Ezra, I love you and couldn’t be happier. I can’t wait to see you.
    Love Dana

  • Alison M Antczak
    May 21, 2024 1:26 am

    I was moved by your story Ezra. I will be praying for you and Christine. May you continue to keep pouring love into this world for many more years! I love you. 💙💙💙

  • Peggy Stone
    May 21, 2024 3:27 am

    We are all rooting for you to gain strength and health in this new chapter! Sending you love and healing energy!

  • Dear Ezra
    Ever since our dear friend Beth Grossman “introduced” you to us, Rich and I have been sending you love, hope and healing energy.
    Please know that you and Christine are in our thoughts.

  • Barbara Miller
    May 21, 2024 3:19 pm

    Dearest Ezra,
    You have been ever in my heart and thoughts from our first meeting. I have complete faith in the strength of your spirit and the power of your love to transform yourself and others.
    Always sending you love and light, Anandi Too

  • Pamela G LARSEN
    May 22, 2024 12:21 am

    Hello Ezra!
    I don’t know you or Christine but your story prompted my friends and I to send letters of support to state officials. It worked! I am so happy for you and Christine. I would love to meet the both of you. In the meantime, praying for your recovery.
    God bless you,
    Pamela Larsen

  • Tell Ezra to continue to fight this infection with all of his strength. There are people who have never met him who are inspired by the life he has lead while incarcerated. We are also disheartened by the inhumane treatment he has received over the last 50 years. We will strive to make his future full of love and compassion.

  • Penny Goldberg
    May 23, 2024 1:13 pm

    Dear Ezra, I’m sending intense energy and love for your for healing. Visualizehealth with me. Pleeeeese 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
    Love love love youuuuu Penny

  • Dear Ezra, I’m sending intense energy and love for your for healing. Visualizehealth with me. Pleeeeese 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
    Love love love youuuuu Penny

  • Ezra, this is a new beginning for you and Christine. How lucky you are to have each other. Your love warms the world. Get better real quick! Love you, Shelly

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